Well Well Well. Isn't this interesting? Remember Danger from Vh1's "For the love of Ray-J"? She's pregnant! Here are some pics from her recent baby shower at former cast mate, Stilts' hubby's mansion in Cali. Rumors were flying that she was pregnant for Ray-J after the show wrapped, which he denied.
Stilts, Danger & Cashmere from "For the love of Ray-J"
And lookee here who showed up to the shower....RAY-J! Hmmmmm...*side eye*. And I didn't see any other dudes in the pictures. Maybe Ray really is the father?! Damn Homie! I hoped Ray-J was better than that- then again he used to be with Kim Kardashian. I guess! SMH Congrats to them.

"Danger she smashed the homies!" LOL Shout out to Tom Greene he was hilarious in that episode.