The latest drama is that Ursh had to call the cops to come get Tameka twice this week. (Both times she was long gone when the police arrived. hmmmm...) Anyway Mr. Raymond claims Tameka has broken onto his property and damaged/vandalized his vehicles. Tameka denies these claims and chops it up to a publicity stunt. But Tameka has been acting like the mad rapper lately- check out her blog on GlobalGrind the other day: http://globalgrind.com/content/1044647/To-Be-Or-Not-To-BeBut-At-What-Cost/
What she has to say sounds great but she has some nerve pointing the finger at others when she has her own demons! LOL my fave line is “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”---This from the woman who flew abroad for a lil' enhancement here and there? WTF. I am with Usher on this one. She had to really mess up for him to bounce on her like that after sticking by her all this time while everyone was talking *ish about her and calling him stupid for being with her. He even flew to be by her side when she had complications from her surgeries. This is just sad. As one of my fave radio personalities likes to say "We gon have to keep them lifted up in prayer!"