Okay everyone is buggin out over Kanye's behavior at the VMAs- Yes Yeezy was definitely trippin. And yes we know he had been drinking prior to his statement but that doesn't excuse his actions. (Sorry not blaming it on the alcohol!- at least not this time) He has since apologized and I believe he was sincere, so let us just pray for him. He went through the loss of his mother in 2007 and never truly grieved. Seems like Mr. West likes to internalize his true feelings and act out to cover up those issues. Seriously we don't want Kanye in a pile with the Maia Campbells and Houston Summers of the world. We love you Kanye- sit back an relax for a bit (you deserve it).

Houston Summers and Maia Campbell above have become the face of Mental Illness in the Black Entertainment Community as of late. Please people mental illness knows no color- if someone you know needs help there is plenty of support available. Here are 2 sites I found:
www.whatadifference.org and