Hate on Wayne all you want but he is breaking all kinds of records as of late. It is being reported that Mr. Carter has grossed $42 Million dollars with his latest tour! Making his tour the highest grossing Hip Hop tour of the year. According to Wayne's Management the 78 concert tour drew nearly 804,000 fans between 12/14/2008 and 9/6/2009. So once again Weezy has cleaned up! The only other artists to even come close to these numbers: was Jay-z's tour with Mary J. in 2008, he grossed $34.6 million and Kanye's tour in 2008 grossed $30.8 million. Congrats to Lil Wayne! (Guess that means we should expect some more baby making real soon to add to his 4- 2 here 2 on the way! Wow!)