Olympic hurdler, 29 year old Lolo Jones, has been
getting a lot of press as of late not only for her skills
on the track but for being a virgin. The bi-racial beauty
confessed to being a virgin and has been a topic
of conversation ever since. She says that she is
waiting until she gets married, which I find very
commendable. But why is virginity such "news"?
Could it be because today's society revolves
so much around sex that it is unfathomable
that their are women who are not doing it by choice.
In any case she admits that she is not dating
because most men are just looking to hook up and
are not interested in waiting.
I'm sure there are plenty of players licking their
chops and making plans to conquer! LOL poor
Lolo, she is officially a target. Stick to your
guns girl, we are routing for ya!