Elise Neal

Flawlessly Fab
I love this assymetrical cropped cut on Elise. It's young yet age appropriate for an over 30 lady. It shows that she is hip and with the times but wise enough to embrace her age.
Chris Brown
Blonde Babe
Don't judge me but I LOVE CHRIS BREEZY!!!! He is several years my junior but I find him very disirable. He is tall, talented and oh so handsome. The blonde hair takes some getting used to but it really suits him. He can do no wrong with a face like his. The lastest news on Chris is that he sext a pic to an ex-girlfriend that has been leaked showing "the full monty" and it is all over the internet! I looked I must admit, lord forgive me but I am glad I did! To sum it up in one word....WOW. I'm definitely still a fan. *wink*
Kim Kardashian
Its KiNickRih!
(For all those who are a tad slow....its short for KimK., NickiMinaj and Rihanna.)
Not much to say about poor little Kimmy other than "me no likey". However it would be a great Halloween costume. Im sure it will sell like hotcakes this October.