Opinions on Urban Entertainment: Fashion, Celebrities, Music, Movies and everything in between!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Love & Relationships 1
Today's post is something that just popped into my head this morning. It is based on my own relationships over the years plus those of my friends, family and complete strangers around me. Try to stay with me....I might go all over the place. But I think this is something everyone can get something from.
Relationships are a confusing and sometimes frustrating part of life. There are ups & downs, twists & turns, happiness, sadness and a million other feelings wrapped up in one. When you consciously make a decision to be in a monogamous relationship you go in will all the best intentions. But things happen, people make mistakes and with some hard work it may actually work. My question is how hard should you work in a relationship? How hard should you fight for the person you love? I realize more and more as I grow older that advice from people is a no no. Yes I said it! The same people who say "leave him/her" or "I would kick him/her out" in response to a "hurdle" in your relationship are the same people who do the exact opposite in their relationship. People like to put on a front and act "harder" than they really are to save face. You know your relationship better than anyone- you should be the one making the decision ultimately about what happens in it. Here are some sample relationship issues....which one are you in?
Personally I don't believe that cheating is a absolute deal breaker in a relationship, don't get me wrong- it sucks to get cheated on but like I said before people make mistakes. It is up to you and your significant other to decide whether or not you can go past it. If he/she is a habitual cheater then chances are you need to bounce. If this is the first occurrence and your mate is remorseful and you feel you are strong enough to forgive and move past it (without throwing it in his/her face every time you have an argument) then by all means save your relationship. With that said I don't believe too much hard work should go into a relationship that you know is not going anywhere. If you are married, do all you can to keep your union together- but know when to give up. Both people have to want the same result, you can't force someone to be with you. Last week I saw a white car with the word "Cheater" written in red spray paint across the driver & rear passenger side doors of the vehicle. Why do that? Makes absolutely no sense to me. Especially if you know you aren't going anywhere and you may be with him next week.Or you met him with someone and he "cheated" with you. Not to mention that it is a childish thing to do. Move on if you are so hurt! I feel like only people who have nothing do things like that. I wouldn't do it because I wouldn't want anyone doing that to my car! (But that's just me).
Then there is the chicks on the side! Yes this is for the ladies. I know its hard out here and their aren't many "quality" men available. But lowering yourself to the "jump-off/chick on the side" to hold on to something that is not yours is pathetic. There are 2 types in this category: "on the come up chicks" and "I can steal him away chicks". On the come up chicks are just trying to get what they can get and get out. They know the man is married/in a relationship and have no intentions of breaking up that "happy" home (I use the term happy loosely). They are perfectly content with their roles. Then there is the I can steal him away girls that want to be the wife/girlfriend and will do any and everything to cause drama and problems in the relationship so that they can have the man. Sad thing here is eventually it will happen to her - its a never ending cycle. Both situations are sad and I don't knock anyone's hustle, but Karma is a BITCH. (TRUST ME) With that said there are instances where these jump-offs become the "main" and have productive relationships/marriages but the statistics on that are slim. Good luck ladies!
Another facet of relationships is stringing along. DON'T DO IT! If you don't want them, leave them alone. Don't just hang on because you don't want anyone else to have them while you decide when you will be ready to be in a committed relationship. It is unfair to the other person and just plain selfish. Let is go if it comes back it is meant to be!
Users! I hate users. When you had everything and your life was great that person was the furthest from your mind. But when you fall on your face and need help they are the love of your life. (At least you pretend its that way, in front of their face) Only low lives do this. So many women look the other way in this kind of relationship. They are just happy to have a man. Trust me I know it sucks to be single but don't lower your self esteem and settle for any ol' man to fill the empty space on the other side of the bed.
I heard this on a Program Steve Harvey was on. He said you got to get rid of the "baggage" in your life in order to receive your blessings. You cant have a no good, lazy man/woman in your home while you are praying to God every night for your true love! He/she will never come because you have no room for them. Steve used an old car he had in his garage as an example. He had that car on blocks in the garage while dreaming of a "newer" car but when he got rid of the car on blocks and cleaned out the garage he received his blessing and had a working vehicle parked in the garage soon after. Instead of dreaming about it he made steps to get what he wanted.
***This post is my opinion. I do not endorse cheating, lying or anything else. I am just being real. I am not perfect and I do not pretend to be either. I have mad mistakes and I am in no way trying to place my judgments upon other peoples relationships. Do you!***
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Reality Woes
Is it just me or is television a sure way to make you feel bad about your financial situation? Whether it’s the Real Housewives of Orange County or Million Dollar Listing, money is all over the tube. I know everyone is feeling the pinch of the downturn in the economy but everyone is not hit in the same way. If you were worth $500 three years ago and are worth -$500 today you cannot compare that to being worth $50 million and now down to $30 million. It just doesn’t make sense. I love seeing into the lives of the “upper crust” of society but damn if it doesn’t make me wonder why I was born on this side of the tracks! Going to school to better yourself isn’t really helping nowadays either. There are people with masters degrees or higher who are unemployed. Gas is waaaay up, home values are waaaay down and the price of cotton is even being affected. Not only that but we are at war and people are losing their lives every day. It’s a sad time and it looks like there is no way up and out of this mess. What do I suggest? STAY ON YOUR GRIND! Don’t give up keep riding till the wheels fall off, it will pay off. And use the television for inspiration not desperation, and most valuable of all….Don‘t compare. Comparison will land you in Belleview or jumping off your local bridge! Lol (I love seeing rich people acting a fool on National television, it’s the best thing since sliced bread – SO Enjoy!)
Album Alarm
Chris Brown’s new album F.A.M.E is dropping on Tuesday, March 22nd. Mr. Breezy was in NYC this weekend promoting the album and has high hopes for it to sell a million copies in the first week. I’m definitely TEAM BREEZY so I’m pulling for him to do well. I say he will do 2 million copies! Come on people support Chris. He has been through a lot and deserves to come off with a big win on this album. Personally I don’t understand how his ex (you know who) is still riding her 15 minutes of fame. She is not the best singer but her songs are decent. As an artist she is weak but I will give her props when it comes to her style. Enough about her! I hear this album will be rocking a lot of Ladies worlds with its “ultra adult” content, so I cannot wait. That No BS song has me wanting more, I will be at Best Buy this week to get my explicit copy. Sorry Wal-Mart, I love you dearly but I need all the sexually charged, foul mouthed crooning that I can get with this one. Don’t meet me there beat me there!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Season Musts! (Spring/Summer Edition)
Check out my top ten below:
10. Longer Hems
Sundresses just below the knee and ankle length are hot this and every summer.
9. Stripes
This trend is for the true fashionistas who can rock just about anything. I suggest staying away from horizontal stripes if you are full figured, they will just make you look wider - instead opt for vertical stripes to elongate.
8. Crochet
I see alot of really cute tops and cover ups in stores lately - take advantage.
6. Lace
Nude illusion is big this season. Lace shoes and apparel are hot versatile additions to your closet.
5. Brights
Color, Color, Color on your nails, for your hair, for your clothes and shoes too anyway you choose you will not lose!
4. Wedges
I love wedges, they make you legs look luscious and are easy to walk in.
3. Long Necklaces
2. White Denim
Versatile enough for the day and the night just pair with a nice shoe and accessories.
1. Pedicures
And the most important thing of all are clean well manicured feet and toes! We are wearing alot of sandals and flip flops during this season. Please ladies take care of you feet, the worst thing you can do is have on a killer pair of sandals with "jacked up" feet! That's a huge No-No.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Miami Melee (may-lay)
Last night's season finale of Basketball wives was a blockbuster! Suzie visited Los Angeles and when out to eat with Gloria and 2 other NBA wives. Gloria suggested Suzie move out there to get away from Miami and Shaunie & her "wolf pack". Royce is back and all beef with Evelyn is squashed....FOR NOW. Evelyn visited Chad OchoCinco in Cincinnati and "sealed the deal" with him on national television - SMH! Shaunie returned to L.A. after spending the summer in Miami and had dinner with friends to catch-up. Jennifer is still married and still unhappy but is trying to move on and do things for herself. She launched her lip gloss line "Lucid" and had a dinner party to celebrate and show off the packaging for her products. Her and Evelyn seem to not be seeing eye to eye lately. Jen doesn't like Chad for Evelyn or any other athlete for that matter. And Ev doesn't understand why her BFF never mentioned that she has been working on her lip gloss line. I have a feeling this friendship will be breaking down in the coming season. Tami got emotional in this episode and had nice things to say about all the women. But it caused a deep secret to arise. Turns out Evelyn had a 6 month relationship with Tami's ex-husband back in 1999- while Tami and Kenny were still married! Drinks, alcohol and heated discussion ensued and blows were exchanged. Now that's what I call entertainment!
Even though I think Evelyn was foul for not telling Tami sooner, I kind of understand her dilemma. How do you tell someone that you slept with their husband? Also Tami overreacted when she put her hands on Ev. A lady should never exchange blows unless she is fighting for her life. Especially not on national TV about a man that cheated on you several times with many different people. She just comes off as plain crazy! Yes I understand you were upset and Evelyn didn't make things any better with her "matter of fact" explanation and outright rudeness but you have to hold yourself to a higher standard sometimes. These women are a hot mess. With that said.....I CANT WAIT FOR NEXT SEASON!!!!
Basketball wives,
season finale,
Tami and Evelyn brawl,
Saturday, March 5, 2011
How do you do!
Check out these 3 celebrity hair styles...

Chris Brown
Kim Kardashian
Elise Neal

Flawlessly Fab
I love this assymetrical cropped cut on Elise. It's young yet age appropriate for an over 30 lady. It shows that she is hip and with the times but wise enough to embrace her age.
Chris Brown
Blonde Babe
Don't judge me but I LOVE CHRIS BREEZY!!!! He is several years my junior but I find him very disirable. He is tall, talented and oh so handsome. The blonde hair takes some getting used to but it really suits him. He can do no wrong with a face like his. The lastest news on Chris is that he sext a pic to an ex-girlfriend that has been leaked showing "the full monty" and it is all over the internet! I looked I must admit, lord forgive me but I am glad I did! To sum it up in one word....WOW. I'm definitely still a fan. *wink*
Kim Kardashian
Its KiNickRih!
(For all those who are a tad slow....its short for KimK., NickiMinaj and Rihanna.)
Not much to say about poor little Kimmy other than "me no likey". However it would be a great Halloween costume. Im sure it will sell like hotcakes this October.
celebrity hair,
Chris Brown,
elise neal,
Kim Kardashian,
new hair
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dunkin' Don't
Anyone that knows me knows that I love to eat. (Can't cook) but I definitely can eat and I love to eat out at many different restaurants ranging from fast food to dine in. So on Wednesday I went to Dunkin Donuts because I had received some coupons in the mail over the weekend. On the flyer that had the coupons there was a huge picture of a new breakfast sandwich called the "Big N' Toasty". It looked delicious so I said what the heck! www.dunkindonuts.com had this to say about the new sandwich: "Start your big day with 2 fried eggs, 4 slices of cherrywood smoked bacon and american cheese on thick Texas Toast. Pair it with our oven-toasted hash browns and a hot coffee for a hearty, home-style breakfast that will keep you running."
People this sandwich is a big DON'T! Don't eat it, don't even feed it to your dog! The only running I wanted to do after tasting this sandwich was to the restroom. The bread was waaay too greasy or maybe it was the fried eggs, cheese and bacon that soaked their grease into the bread. Either way I felt sick to my stomach. I am no health nut, but even this sandwich was too much for me. I tried to eat it because I was starving but I was only able to suffer down less than half before tossing it in the trash. Please Dunkin Donuts get rid of this sandwich not only is it a clogged artery waiting to happen but its just plain GROSS!
People this sandwich is a big DON'T! Don't eat it, don't even feed it to your dog! The only running I wanted to do after tasting this sandwich was to the restroom. The bread was waaay too greasy or maybe it was the fried eggs, cheese and bacon that soaked their grease into the bread. Either way I felt sick to my stomach. I am no health nut, but even this sandwich was too much for me. I tried to eat it because I was starving but I was only able to suffer down less than half before tossing it in the trash. Please Dunkin Donuts get rid of this sandwich not only is it a clogged artery waiting to happen but its just plain GROSS!
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