Okay ladies, the Holiday season is upon us once again. If you already got your significant other a gift and or gifts you are way ahead of the game. But for the ladies who have no clue what to get their man, hasn't had time to think about it, didn't want to brave the crowds at the mall during Black Friday or even make it online for Cyber Monday deals - I have the thing for you. I did a small survey on a few men and these are the answers I got for the all too familiar question, "What do you want for Christmas?"
Gifts for your guy!
- Electronics/Gadgets: Ipad, IPod Touch, Gaming Systems (Playstation 3 or Move and Xbox 360), Smartphones (ex. Iphone), digital camera, 40in. or better flat screen TVs and MacBooks
-Clothing/Shoes (ranging from a shirt or a belt up to a full suit)
-Tickets: Sporting events, concerts or travel
Some other (not so popular) ideas
-Gift Certificate for Restaurants, Gas etc.
-Bottle of fave liquor
-BluRay Movies
-Pay a bill
And my absolute favorites....(Thanks M.H.)
-Pair of scissors and handcuff or tie down "material" w/purpose to cut off what "u" wearing...banging lingerie underneath.
-Scratch off sex booklet along w/creams, motion lotions, etc...along with the date night outing, dinner, etc...which we will use for first time
**these are my personal faves because they are out of the box, very original.