Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hot Naked Mess!

Looks like another cheater has been exposed! Martellus Bennett of the Dallas Cowboys has been put on full (frontal) blast by his "now" EX-girlfriend. Apparently Good ol Marty cant keep his thing in his pants so homegirl posted naked pics that he sent her on the internet. Wow! Of course I had to share....

Looks like MediaTakeout needed to make these stars a bit larger! Te he he he!

He has a nice body...I must say that! But he seems a lil sugary to me.
(Guess he is on that Kobe Bryant swag.)

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Hotness!!

Just saw the video for Monica's "Love all over me" this morning and haven't been able to stop talking about it yet. I love Monica! She is so real, beautiful, down to earth and talented. She deserves all the success she has and will have in the future. Check out the video and continue to support her. (If you haven't seen her live - you NEED to!)

Follow her on Twitter @MonicaMyLife

There is a question at the end of the video that goes along with the whole concept. Great video/Great song!

Couple Watch

Okay I love Terrell Owens and I love his show even more, but those of you who follow me on Twitter know I don't really "appreciate" the women he dates. Well T.O. must have been listening to me because he was pictured above with Model and Ex-Miss USA, Kenya Moore at the ESPYs last night. (Thank you baby Jesus for hearing my prayers!) If they are a couple- I wish them all the best. Whew! Thought he was a goner! *wink wink*

**Side Note:

For a woman of 39 years, she looks damn good! I hope God blesses me to look like that at 40!

WTF Awards

It pains to do this...I love Naomi! But we are used to seeing her like this...

And not like this.....

Can you say "HOT MESS"!!!! (Check out that hair! Or should I say lack thereof.) Not a good look Ms. Campbell...smh. (I know I'm late on this but "WTH" is up with Naomi Campbell?)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Welcome to Miami

Thank you Pat Riley and the entire Miami Heat organization for bringing Chris Bosh and Lebron James to help D. Wade out! Heat fans everywhere are in a frenzy and cannot wait for the season to begin. Welcome to Miami guys- History in the making! One of the names being thrown around for the trio is "the 3 kings"....I might be biased but I like! And in South Florida we have already named Miami-Dade county "Wade County" - Now Palm Beach will be "Palm Bosh County" and Broward will be "LeBroward County" or "Bron County". (still in the works...)

Bosh and James jerseys are now available on the Miami Heat's official website. Go get em!